Exposed – The Truth Behind the Scam | Review

What is Website? is a famous online shop that sells lighting, rugs, and other home improvement items. This website has many quality suppliers from over 100 areas in China. Litfad aims to provide stylish and high-quality items at low prices. Many home improvement experts and designers love our products.

Our customers appreciate our designs. We also offer worldwide shipping and have a generous return policy. Additionally, we have teamed up with Klarna to give you easy payment options at checkout. You can learn more about Klarna’s installment payment service on our website.

On the surface, seems like a real online shop selling many items at meager prices. It looks like a place where you can get good deals compared to big stores. However, in truth, is a scam site. It tricks people into spending money or giving away personal details using dishonest methods.

The scammers behind Litfad use spam emails and social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to advertise their sites. They attract people with very low prices and use stolen pictures of products to fool shoppers.

On top of selling fake goods or no goods at all, also collects customers’ personal and financial data during checkout. This includes full names, home addresses, phone numbers, and credit card details. They use or sell this information for wrong purposes like identity theft or credit card fraud. Our research shows that is part of a more extensive scam network based in China. This network runs many fake online retail sites to cheat customers.

There are clear signs that is not a real business. Their legal pages are copied and do not have actual policies. There is no contact information for customer service. The website owners stay anonymous. They offer unrealistic discounts of up to 90% to lure in shoppers. All product information is stolen from big retailers. There is no social media presence.

In conclusion, we suggest you stay away from this dishonest website. Do not fall for the attractive, authentic service. You can protect yourself by avoiding and similar sites.

Customer Feedback & Rating on Litfad

According to Sitejabber, Litfad has a low rating of 1.1 stars from 522 reviews, indicating general customer dissatisfaction. Common complaints include poor customer service, subpar product quality, and credit card issues. Litfad ranks poorly at 290th among lighting websites. Key statistics from reviews:

  • Service: Rated negatively by 377 reviewers.
  • Value: Criticized by 368 reviewers.
  • Shipping: Issues reported by 379 reviewers.
  • Returns: Negative feedback from 346 reviewers.
  • Quality: Complaints from 359 reviewers.

Only 2.4% of reviews in the past year were positive, showing significant customer dissatisfaction.

The official website lacks any reviews. So, we checked out Trust Pilot. It shows 1.5 ratings, which is much lower than that on Amazon. A client says, “Same as everyone else.” damaged goods, wrong size, lights not fully wired, etc. I can’t get a refund, it’s like talking to a wall. There’s a reason why they don’t have reviews on their website. Scam and rude company. AVOID!!!!! Another customer claims that he paid £500 but received nothing. He just lost his money.

Scam Pulse has about 48 reviews and complaints from different patrons worldwide. Kristine says that the return policy is a scam. They are not returning the wrongly sent item. Another complaint is that the LED lights are general and no color changes are seen. They are normal lights with double prices.

s a Scam? What UK Buyers Should Know uses deceptive tactics to dupe bargain hunters into buying nonexistent or fraudulent products. Here is how the scam works:

  • Spam Emails: Scammers send spam emails with links to the fake website.
  • Fake Advertisements: They post ads on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok showing huge product discounts.
  • Fraudulent Articles: Fake news or review articles praise the supposed deals on

These techniques aim to trick people and make them visit scam sites.

Bait and Switch Tactics

After people place their orders and make payments on, they usually experience one of the following problems:

  • No Delivery Second-hand tampered-with or tampered-with items: The most common issue is that customers never receive any items. They lose their money to the scammers.
  • Cheap Counterfeits: Customers get cheap, poor-quality knock-offs instead of receiving the high-quality items shown in the pictures.
  • Used or Tampered Items: Sometimes, instead of new products, customers get second-hand or tampered-with items.

These bait-and-switch tactics are designed to take your money without giving you the promised products.

When people who got scammed try to contact for help or refunds, they face these problems:

  • Ignored: does not reply to their messages.
  • Blocked: Customers’ accounts or emails are blocked. tricks people with false promises takes their money, but never delivers the products. If you complain, they block you. This way, they keep scamming people without getting into trouble. shows many warning signs that it is a scam website pretending to be a real online shop. Savvy shoppers should look out for these red flags:

  • Network scam sign: Research shows that this site is part of a more extensive network of scam websites based in China. These sites work together to cheat customers.
  • Copied Legal Pages: The Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and other legal pages on seem to be copied from known scam websites. Scammers do this to make their fake sites look authentic. But these pages do not protect customers.
  • Wrong Contact Information: There is no customer service phone number, physical address, or live chat on Without these details, it’s hard for customers to contact the company with any problems.
  • Anonymous Company: The website doesn’t say who owns or runs the business. Actual companies are not usually so secretive. It’s a sign that you shouldn’t trust them with your money or personal information.
  • Unrealistic Discounts: often advertises extremely low prices to attract shoppers. Actual stores can’t keep such significant discounts, which means the products are likely fake.
  • Other Copied Content: All the product descriptions and photos on are stolen from other big retailers. This shows that the site has no original content, a sign of a scam.
  • No Social Media Activity: Real brands usually have social media pages to talk to customers. has no social media accounts, which is very unusual and suspicious.

By keeping these warning signs in mind, you can avoid getting scammed by Always check for these red flags before making any online purchases.

Identifying scam websites like can be tricky, but there are several signs you can look for to stay safe. Here’s how you can spot a fake online store:

Check for a Real Domain Name and Company Details

  • Strange Domain Names: Scam sites often have weird spellings or extra words. They might even use names similar to popular brands to fool you.
  • Company Details: Real companies will have a physical address, working phone number, and email. If you can’t find this information, it’s a red flag.

Beware of Offers That Are Too Good to Be True

  • Huge Discounts: If a site offers 50-90% off or cheap prices, it’s probably a scam. Real businesses can’t sell products that cheap and still make money.

Check Their Reputation

  • Negative Reviews: Look up the website or business name online to see if there are any bad reviews or reports of scams. Websites like BBB and TrustPilot can be helpful.
  • Social Media: Real businesses usually have active social media pages. Be careful if you don’t see any accurate customer comments or activity.

Analyze Site Security and Payment Methods

  • Security: Ensure the site has SSL encryption (look for “https” in the URL) and offers a refund policy. Unsecured sites are not safe for payments.
  • Payment Methods: Scam sites usually want you to pay with wire transfers, gift cards, or cryptocurrency. Real businesses accept credit cards, which offer better fraud protection.

Watch for Grammar Mistakes and Limited Products

  • Poor Grammar: Fake sites often have bad grammar and copied policies. Real businesses take time to write properly.
  • Limited Products: If a website has very few products or avoids everyday items, it could be a scam.

By keeping these warning signs in mind, you can avoid falling victim to scam online stores like Always double-check before making any purchases to ensure the website is trustworthy.

Scam websites run fake e-commerce stores and use social media ads to catch people’s attention with amazing deals. These ads can offer significant discounts like 90% off to trick shoppers. You may see such deals on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. But you can find clues that show these ads are scams.

Finding Fake Facebook Ads

Be careful of Facebook ads with offers too good to be true, like “90% off” or “Free Shipping.” Scammers know many people use Facebook, so it’s a good place for them to trick you. Look out for these signs:

  • Huge Discounts: Ads showing “Store Closing Sale” or “Going out of Business” deals can be suspicious if the page is new. New businesses don’t usually have significant discounts.
  • Language Mistakes: Scammers often use poor grammar or incorrect sentences because they quickly make the ads.
  • Stock Images: Watch out for generic images of products or images with watermarks showing that scammers don’t own them.
  • Recent Page Creation: Scam pages often don’t last long, so they are created recently. Check the creation date under the page name.

If you see an ad that seems off, search for reviews on the website before buying. You can also do a reverse image search of product photos to see if they are stolen.

Finding Fake Instagram Ads

Instagram scammers use eye-catching captions like “Limited Time Offer!” and low prices to get your attention. To see if an Instagram shop is fake:

  • Few Posts and Followers: Scam accounts usually have very few posts and followers. They get deleted quickly after getting reported.
  • User Tags: Check if real people are tagged in the posts. If not, be careful.
  • Shop Link: Tap on the shop link in the bio. Don’t enter your payment information without “HTTPS” or SSL certificate.
  • Fake Reviews: Look for fake or no reviews. Real businesses have reviews from happy customers.
  • Return Policy: Check their return policy. Scams often have vague or difficult return terms.

Trust your gut. If an Instagram shop looks suspicious, look up reviews first. Only enter your payment info on secure, verified sites.

Catching Fake TikTok Ads

Scammers on TikTok use engaging videos with great deals. Here’s how to spot fake TikTok ads:

  • Unfamiliar Store Links: Be cautious if links in captions or videos lead to unknown store sites. These sites may disappear soon.
  • No Verification Badge: A missing blue checkmark means TikTok hasn’t verified the seller.
  • Pressured Purchases: Fake stores use countdown timers and significant discounts to rush you into buying.
  • No Real Reviews: Check for honest customer reviews. Fake sites often don’t show real people enjoying their products.

Look at the comments in TikTok scam ads to see if others have warned about scams. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always verify the seller before giving your payment information.

By following these tips, you can keep yourself safe from buying through scam ads on social media. Always double-check the seller before making any purchase.

If you think you’ve fallen for a scam on, it’s important to act quickly to protect yourself and your money. Here are some easy steps to follow:

  • Contact Your Bank: Tell your bank about any strange charges. You might need to cancel your card to stop more scam purchases.
  • Keep Records: Save any receipts, emails, and screenshots. This can help prove the scam.
  • File a Complaint: Report the fraud to the FTC and the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Give them all the proof you have.
  • Leave Reviews: Write about your experience on review sites to warn others. Make sure not to harm real businesses.
  • Report Social Media Accounts: If the scam used social media, report those accounts to get them taken down.
  • Request a Chargeback: If you paid with a credit card, ask your bank for a chargeback. Contact the recipient’s bank for wire transfers to try to reverse it.
  • Check Credit Reports: Look at your credit reports to see if any fake accounts were made with your info. You might need to freeze your credit.
  • Change Passwords: Update passwords for any online accounts that use the exact login details as the scam site.
  • Scan for Viruses: Use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to check if your device got infected by the scam site.
  • Learn from It: Determine how you got tricked so you don’t fall for other scams.

Being careful and acting fast can help you limit the damage from a scam. Reporting the scam can also help officials shut down these bad sites.

How can I tell if is a scam?

A site with no contact details, low prices, or copied product info could be a scam like

Is a safe place to shop?

No, it’s not safe. has many signs of being a scam and likely doesn’t send any real products.

What do I do if I order from

Reach out to your bank and tell them about the scam. You might need to get a new card. Keep an eye on your accounts for any odd activity.

How can I report

Report to the Federal Trade Commission at Pick “Online Shopping” when filing your report and provide all details about the website.

Will I get my money back from

Using a credit card to pay, you might get your money back through a bank chargeback. Call your bank and explain what happened.

Can steal my personal info?

If you give them personal details, there is a risk of identity theft. Change your passwords and set up extra security steps on your accounts to protect yourself.

Can infect my device with malware?

Yes, using sites like could lead to malware infections. Make sure to use good antivirus software to check and clean your device.

What are common signs of a fake online shop?

Significant discounts, newly made websites, no reviews, stock photos, many grammar mistakes, and asking for a lot of personal info are signs of a fake shop.

In conclusion, is a fake shopping website that should be avoided at all costs. This scam site uses a familiar trick: attract shoppers with deals that look too good to be true, take their money and personal details, and never send their orders.

The website has many warning signs of a scam, such as inaccurate contact information, using stolen product pictures, and copying legal pages from other sites.

If you see or deals that look suspicious, trust your instincts. Protect yourself, your money, and your information by avoiding this fake store. Stick to well-known shopping sites and be careful of prices that seem too low to avoid getting scammed.

If you have bought something from, we want to hear from you! Leave a comment below to tell us if you got what you ordered or had any problems.

Your feedback will help warn others about the company’s possible risks.

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